So, you’re probably curious about Pittsburgh waterproofing and are interested in finding more information about the process and what to expect. We’re going to go over what waterproofing is, why it’s important, how much it costs, and then answer the question of how long waterproofing lasts.
This information is provided by our foundation repair team. You can learn more about our services on our site at
What Is Waterproofing?
Waterproofing is the process of protecting a building from damage caused by water. It is usually done in two ways: with an external waterproofing material applied to the outside of the building or with an internal membrane applied to the inside.
The most common external waterproofing materials are asphalt-based compounds and bituminous mixtures that are applied directly to the walls and roofs of buildings. These compounds can be used as a liquid or solid coating, depending on the needs of each project.
An internal membrane is another method of Pittsburgh waterproofing that involves applying a protective layer between two membranes: one on the outside of the building and one on the inside. This method works well for areas where it is difficult or impossible to apply an external waterproofing material because of its location (for example, an underground basement).
What Is External Waterproofing
External waterproofing is a process that uses a coating to protect structures from water damage. The coating is applied to the outside of a structure and stops water from getting in. The coating can be applied directly to the surface of the structure, or professionals can apply it over an existing layer of paint or stucco.
The most common types of external waterproofing include:
1. Bitumen (tar) – This type of waterproofing is made from asphalt and is used on roofs and walls. It protects against both water and air leaks, but it can be messy to apply and difficult to remove if necessary.
2. Polyurethane – This type of waterproofing has been used for decades by professional contractors because it’s easy to apply and lasts for years without needing repairs or maintenance work done on it regularly like other types of coatings do over time which makes this ideal for commercial buildings where there are many people working inside every day throughout the year so if someone were to slip inside then they wouldn’t fall all over themselves because they’re slippery like ice skating rink floors which might make them slip even more because they’re wet too thanks but no thanks then there
What Is Internal Waterproofing?
Internal waterproofing in Pittsburgh is a method of protecting a home from water damage. This can be done by installing a barrier between the inside of your house and the outside elements. This barrier protects your home from rain, snow, sleet, and other precipitation that falls on it.
The main culprits behind internal water damage are leaks in your roof, walls, or foundation. These leaks allow water to seep into your home’s internal structure, which can cause rot and mold growth.
To prevent this from happening, you’ll need to hire an expert to inspect your home and make sure there are no areas where water can get through cracks or gaps in the walls or ceilings. The contractor will then install a waterproofing material such as cement mortar between these areas so that water cannot penetrate them anymore.”
What Is The Cost of Waterproofing Your Home In Pittsburgh?
The cost of waterproofing your home in Pittsburgh will vary depending on the size of your home and the type of work that needs to be completed.
If you need to waterproof a small section of your homes, such as a basement or garage, it will likely cost between $5 and $15 per square foot. If you need to waterproof an entire structure, such as a commercial building or house, the price will be higher.
The cost also depends on whether you have any other issues with your home that require fixing before waterproofing can occur. For example, if you have mold or asbestos present in one area of your home, then this must be removed first before waterproofing can begin; otherwise, it could lead to more damage down the road (such as mold growth).
How Long Does Waterproofing Last On Your Home In Pittsburgh?
Waterproofing is a process that can last for roughly 10 years, but it is not permanent. The length of time it lasts depends on the type of waterproofing product you use, the amount of maintenance you practice, and how well your home has been built.
If you have a newer home built with concrete blocks or bricks, then it is possible that your waterproofing could last for many years without needing repairs. However, if your home was built with wood or another type of material that absorbs water, then it may need to be repaired more often.